To All Guardian SoCal Customers
In an attempt to ensure we meet the needs of your facility and your patients, and in anticipation of their future vaccination needs, Ron’s Pharmacy Services and Guardian Pharmacy of Anaheim have established the following guidelines for future vaccination support:
- Vaccination clinics can be scheduled by your facility if you have a minimum of 20 patients who will require vaccinations.
- We recommend that for their convenience and to avoid additional costs, you strongly encourage any of your staff needing vaccinations to go to their local retail pharmacy or as directed by their insurer.
- When Guardian is in your facility for a clinic, any needed vaccinations (flu, COVID-19, pneumonia, shingles) will be made available with an appropriate order.
- For facilities with fewer than 20 patients who require vaccinations, seasonally and as required, Guardian will create a schedule based on geography, designating a day of the week when vaccinators will be in your area to address your needs.
To schedule a clinic for your facility or to learn more about the geographic scheduling, please contact Stacy Ambler (stacy.ambler@ronspharmacyservices).
We appreciate your business and will continue to monitor vaccination mandates to ensure we are prepared to meet your needs. As changes dictate, Guardian will send updates to keep you and your staff informed.