Dear Valued Customers,
You may have seen the news that the Trump Administration signed a deal with CVS and Walgreens to administer COVID-19 vaccine to seniors in long-term care.
Guardian Pharmacy, along with the long-term care pharmacy network, has been involved for several months and will continue working through our Group Purchasing Organization (MHA) and ASCP (American Society of Consultant Pharmacists) to be registered by the CDC as a COVID-19 Vaccine Provider. Guardian Pharmacy is ready and capable to provide this service when we are able. President Trump recently announced that the CDC has initially chosen to distribute and administer the initial COVID-19 vaccines through the Retail Pharmacy Networks of Walgreens and CVS. The CDC has not chosen to contract with long-term care pharmacies as of yet. In order to protect your place in line to get the vaccine, we advise that you opt into the CDC’s current plan for distribution through one of the National Retail Pharmacy Networks.
In the meantime, we will continue working with the CDC to complete the process, which will allow us to offer a COVID-19 vaccine to our customer communities and the residents we serve. We will keep you updated on this ever-changing situation as you make your plans. Due to the uncertainty and undefined processes, we feel it is in your best interests to sign up for the CDC plan through the National Retail Pharmacy Networks.
Senior Living facilities can sign up via an online survey ( starting October 19 and remaining open for two weeks. Please register today!
Guardian appreciates your dedication to your residents, and we appreciate your continued support. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Stay healthy,
Ron Belville, Pharm.D.